Last Day

My last day at the animal hospital was yesterday.

I can't say I'm terribly sorry, even though I had a few minutes of overly-emotional attacks on the drive home. Working at this particular place was hard. It was difficult and frustrating. I was treated unprofessionally by the staff, and cringed at the way we treated and talked about some of our clients.

While I'm glad to be done with it, and know I never have to return, I will miss animal medicine on the scale I experienced there. School pales in comparison. I learned more than I dreamed I would.

This year of school I finished, along with my internship has taught me that I am intelligent. I'm sorry if it sounds conceded, that's not my intent. I used to feel so dumb. I used to feel like everyone around me knew everything and here I was struggling as hard as I could, and still not understanding. College taught me otherwise. I have begun to understand that it is simply not true, and it's the best and most important lesson I have learned thus far.

Until next time,

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